Only idiot will believe that the mansion only worth RM3 million......
Umno is always good at producing 6 million dollar man....
Khir, you have lots to explain......
Khir in a pickle over palatial mansion
By Neville SpykermanSHAH ALAM, July 6 — Selangor’s opposition leader is under the spotlight again, this time for allegedly building a palatial mansion which dwarfs the infamous Istana Zakaria built by the late Port Klang assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Md Deros, but in an immediate reaction Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo denied he had spent more than RM20 million on the house.
DAP’s Ng See Lim today revealed documents which allegedly confirms allegations which first surfaced over the Internet months ago that Dr Khir owns the mansion on Jalan Suasa 7/1L in Shah Alam.
The Sekinchan assemblyman said the resort-like home of the former mentri besar had been built on two plots of land measuring over 50,000 sq ft or 1.17acres.
In comparison, Istana Zakaria which brought about the political downfall of the infamous Port Klang assemblyman had 16 bedrooms, 21 bathrooms and built on 43,000 sq feet of land in Kampung Idaman, Klang.
Ng, who produced documents from the State Land Department, said Dr Khir had purchased one lot measuring of 31,794 sq feet for RM2.9 million while another lot measuring 20,427 sq feet was purchased for RM900,000.
He further alleges that the mansion, which sits behind high walls, was built at a further cost of RM20 million.
Speaking to reporters later, Dr Khir said he had bought the home for only RM3.5 million with a loan from HSBC.
“I have nothing to hide. Everything is above board,” he said.
Earlier, Ng had taken reporters to visit the house and alleged that Dr Khir could not have been able to afford the house on his income as a mentri besar.
“The house was built according to Balinese architecture with furniture from Bail, and it also has a pool.”
“I would like Dr Mohd Khir, who was a dentist before becoming mentri besar for eight years, to explain how he accumulated so much wealth that he could afford to build the house that cost at least RM24 million.”
Based on the public income declaration of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Ng worked out that Dr Khir’s income to be no more than RM48,000 a month while he was mentri besar.
This would come to RM576,000 a year or RM4.6 million while he was mentri besar between August 2000 and March 2008. As mentri besar, Dr Khir would have been barred from engaging in business.
Ng said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) must act and investigate how Dr Khir could afford the house.
He said the MACC could obtain all the necessary documents from the land office and did not have to interview him or wait for a report to be lodged.
According to documents given to the press, Dr Khir and his wife Datin Seri Zahrah Kechik had obtained the land from Ditamas Sdn Bhd in 2007 while construction of the house was completed some time this year.
Photographs of the property which show a swimming pool and several buildings first surfaced on the antikhirtoyo.blogspot website on March 20, just before the Umno elections.
Asked about it then, Dr Khir said it was the work of his enemies in Umno.
Dr Khir, who had been a frontrunner in the contest for the Umno Youth chief's post, eventually lost the election to Khairy Jamaluddin.
总值2400万,占地5万平方尺 基尔巴厘式豪宅比查宫更豪华 |
7月6日 下午 2点22分 | 李伟伦
黄瑞林表示,经过他向土地局查证后,该座“基尔皇宫”是建在两块地皮上,地价分别是约290万令吉和90万令吉。 他说,首块地皮共占地3万1794平方尺,次块地皮则占地2万427平方尺,地价合共近400万令吉。 单购置家私也花上200万 他续指出,根据他向承包商了解后,以巴厘式风格建筑的“基尔皇宫”,建筑费是1800万令吉,购置家私也花了200万令吉。 “这意味着,整座‘基尔皇宫’总值近2400万令吉,还贵过‘查卡利亚皇宫’。” 根据黄瑞林向媒体出示的土地局文件,两块地皮都是由基尔及其夫人查哈拉(Zaharah Kechik)所联合拥有。 附近全是独立式豪华洋房 根据记者所见,沙亚南第七区属于豪华住宅区,附近房屋都是独立式洋房,雪州大臣官邸就坐落在那。 无论如何,由于基尔的豪宅大门深锁,且筑有高墙,媒体无法得窥内里究竟。 结果黄瑞林只能带着摄影记者到附近的一座小山丘上,尝试拍摄该座“基尔皇宫”。 任大臣8年收入仅有460万 黄瑞林宣称,根据他的了解,“基尔皇宫”内共建有游泳池及游乐场等设备,“总之是豪华到极点。” 他指着深锁的豪宅大门,声称单是整个门亭的建筑,也价值约29万令吉。 “根据现任雪州大臣卡立早前公布的数据,一名大臣的月薪和津贴是近4万8000令吉。若乘以12个月,则是57万6000令吉,再乘以8年则是460万8000令吉。” “基尔在从政前只是一名牙医,在适耕庄租屋子住。就算他担任大臣8年期间,不花一毛钱,也不能购置2400万令吉的豪宅。” 没信心不向反贪委会报案 “如果是以合法方式拥有这座豪宅,我完全没有问题,反而会恭喜基尔。但是他到底怎样办到?我挑战他说个清楚。” 询及会否前往反贪污委员会报案,黄瑞林表示,他不会这么做,因为已经对反贪污委员会丧失了信心。 “反贪污委员会尽可自己展开调查,全部文件都在土地局,非常简单。且让人民擦拭双眼,看看反贪污委员会是否真有实效。” |
what a shocking disclosure...
UMNO Boleh!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what Umno good at producing..6 million Dollar man
Whose money is that ?
You and mine.....
One Malaysia..yeh yeh
Razak Baginda
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