Malaysia political scene has gone into the new era that one has never seen for the past 52 years.....the new era none other than Be End has lost 5 states to the Pakatan Rakyat in the 308 tsunami. Since than, Umno has been aiming to get back the 5 states not by going thru democracy process but the "frog hopping " strategy. Under this dirty tricks they manage to take back Perak state temporarily.
Lately, they have been targeting Selangor state. Obviously, Umno is using "anti Chinese" strategy in oder to win back the Malay votes, a dirty and efficient trick that UMNO will always use when the party is in jeopardy. Firstly, thru Utusan Malaysia, they are targeting DAP, a party which Chinese form a major composition and also has important lineup in the Selangor exco .
Utusan Malaysia has labelled DAP as an Anti-Islam party which in fact has been strongly denied by DAP. In order to make their attack more convincing and reliable, they have used Dr. Ridhuan Tee a Chinese Muslim as their hatchet man to criticise DAP.
Not enough with that , Dr. Ridhuan Tee has dragged Chinese news paper and Malaysia Chinese in the political turmoil by calling them Kia Su and Kia Si.
In the weekend article, Utusan Malaysia in a title " Selepas Kuasai Ekonomy" or "after controlling economy" has explicitly said that Malaysia Chinese want to control Malaysia politics now after having major say in Malaysia economy.....
I strongly urge Umno's hatchman ..."think before you write"
Malaysian do not mind whether it is Malay, Indian,Kadazan or Chinese to rule this country.....
Daim Zainuddin, in the exclusive interview with China Press has spelt out the voices of Malaysian loud and clear
"People hope to see a fair and just government , no one wish to leave behind in the country development.... is there anything wrong if rationale people demand for the above?"
UMNO and Utusan Malaysia, please do not play up religious and racial issues anymore.....Malaysian Chinese never doubt Islam as national religious and never crossing in our mind to wrest political control from Malay......................
Please stop labelling Chinese as a rich race...Most of us are just a normal citizen who has been working damn hard to earn our daily hood, burning midnight oil almost everyday in order to earn a place to enter local university.......We want to stay peacefully in this country.....please stop labelling us Pendatang......
We are a law binding citizens which contributed 90% of the tax revenue in Malaysia and hence we have a right to urge BN especially UMNO and Utusan Malaysia to focus on :-
Malaysia competitiveness in terms of economy,education and health care...
Death tolls for H1N1 is still climbing high and is the second highest in Asia now after Thailand.......
Crime rate is still at all time high.......
Corruption is still rampantning...............
If UMNO and Utusan still do not listen to people , we can assure you that 308 is not an ending but a beginning.....
P/s To Awang Selamat and Utusan 's editor, if you do not understand Daim Zainuddin 's interview in China Press, please drop me an email and I will translate to you FOC.....
To Mohd Ridhuan Tee, you surely can understand Chinese....please show me any article appear in Chinese newspaper that has racist elements and did criticise Malay than I will shut my mouth and vote for UMNO in the next election. Otherwise please do not speak with your buttock!!!!!!
Well Said Truly Malaysian!!!!!!
Ketuanand Rakyat will prosper in Malaysia!!!!!!
Truly Malaysian,
Day by day we have seen Malaysian moving backward under UMNO except under Tunku Abdul Rahman era.....
Even Thailand and Indonesia has thrown us behind in term of economy.
Altough Malaysian has twice prime-pumping the economy we general people has not benefited from it at all?
How come?
H1N1 death tolls has hit all time high of 69 cases but Najib and Muhyddin still more concern on Permatang pasir election and Selangor State.
Now Utusan is trying to collide Mlay and Chinese so that they can win back the Malay votes......
Where is Malaysia heading to?
Bee End's... they keeps trying for another May 13th, but..pity them ..its not going to work at all... becauce we Malaysian not BAHALOL..!!
Orang melayu dah lama hilang kepercayaan kepada Utusan Malaysia..pengarangnya tak ada otak...Hanya nak melaga-lagakan orang melayu dan cina saja.
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