Monday, February 16, 2009

When Khir Toyo barks again...............

What's wrong with you, Khir Toyo?

Can't you see that who is the real victim? who is the real culprit ?

Imagine your daughter face the same situation? what would you say?

You better open your eye big big before you bark like mad dog......

First they attack Dr.Halimah Ali, now Elizabeth Wong is the latest victim.

Read below for more information.
Khir, please ask yourself. If a lunatic asshole with bad intention spy on you while you are at sleep and have captured your naked fat body with camera and later circulate it out with sick motives, should you be blamed on this?

Don't you know that this is gross invasion of privacy?

Use your head to thinklah before you bark!!!!!!!!!!!

As for Malaysia's politics situation, I have no eye see already......

I should phrase it as "Gutter Politics" has attacked Malaysian.....


Anonymous said...

Khir Toyo, too much politicking is not good for you. Now people are getting aware what knid of politicians you are..........

Anonymous said...

He just knows how to bark so that he can become MB again. He is the real culprit.

Anonymous said...

Truly Malaysian,

This is what we call a true politician but I beleive their days is numbered as I will surely vote them out next election

Anonymous said...

yes vote him out in the next election.

Anonymous said...

He is the most disgusted politician that I have ever seen. He just wants to gain political mileage due to the coming UMNO election.

He never be the right person talks about moral